Tuesday, 17 November 2009

How to do ftp the files between 2 servers.

For eg. We have to ftp a file abc.dmp
Source Server A : /dev1/mydump/abc.dmp
Target Server B : /dev1/urdump/

Putting files from Source Server to Target Server.
1. Telnet and login into the Source Server A
2. CD to source directory
cd /dev1/mydump
Use the below commands to ftp the files
3. ftp targetservername
4. Enter the login details for the target server
5. After successful login enter the below commands on ftp prompt
bin (Press Enter)
hash (Press Enter)
prompt (Press Enter)
6. CD to target directory
cd /dev1/urdump
7. mput abc.dmp
Ftp will start and progress will be shown by display of hashes

If we need to get a file "cde.dmp"from target server, use the following command
mget cde.dmp

8. To leave to ftp session, enter the below command


Unknown said...

This is indeed a useful, and ready for reference post.
Thanks Prashant

Saumya said...

Hi Prashant,

I tried to login to database through SQLplus, but got TNS protocol adapter error-Ora-12560.
TNS entry on client side was working fine, and could ping the database well.

Any suggestions...

Unknown said...

pls tell me how to create and configur web server clustoring

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